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Meeting the Needs of those in Need.

Power4Life Ministries Inc. is an award winning, non-profit organization committed to meeting the needs of at-risk individuals and families in the inner city communities of Houston, Texas and beyond.

Power4Life supports residents of Houston communities connected with the Houston Housing Authority (HHA), such as Cuney Homes, Kelly Village, Clayton Homes, Kennedy Place and The Historic Allen Parkway Village, as well as other families in Houston’s  inner city.  

We specifically focus on Houston’s 3rd and 5th Ward neighborhoods. Through monthly and bi-monthly programs, Power4Life creates a consistent presence in the lives of community residents. These programs empower, educate, and enrich residents’ lives and encourage them to reach their full potential. 

Interested in giving? CLICK HERE.





Urgent Power4Life
Ministries Needs

Monetary donations
Donated office space
Donated land
Donated multi-purpose  buildings
Donated transportation
Donated warehouse

 or storage space
New furniture
New mattresses
New computer/laptops
New clothing (adults and  children)
Office supplies
New bicycles
New TV’s
Personal care items

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