Healing for the mind, body and spirit.
Power4Life answers the call to nourish and nurture disadvantaged Houston citizens in
inner city neighborhoods. We provide individuals and families with clothing, food, furniture, bedding, appliances, personal care supplies, portable fans ,TV's, AC's and other essential items. We also provide opportunities for people to access health and wellness resources through community events and working in collaboration with local health and wellness organizations.
We aim to grow and expand our program, as we continue to expand into more communities. The need is great to assist families gain access to support resources.
An inspirational message and practical teaching catered specifically for adult audiences as well as children and youth, through our PowerKidzz is offered to those who attend.
Interested in giving, CLICK HERE.
“You all have been
such a blessing to
my family! I don’t
know what I would
have done without
Power4Life helping us.”
– Tamica S.
“I am so thankful to
Power4Life! You all
are like family! You
all are always trying
to help people.”
– Carolyn J.
“You all don’t know
how much you all
have helped us.”
– Mary S.